
The Dove of Steel (30)

Judge Sulkoske turned back towards the two “spies” and said,

“Now, you, the one with the overly large sword, explain why your here, and look me within the eyes when you do, I want to see the truth in them.”

Isaac didn’t move, he simply kept his head down, and said nothing.

“Not talkative eh? Come now, if your telling the truth then their’s nothing to hide.”

Isaac again, did nothing.

“It’s quiet alright, I know your both Cetrans, and so far, I can’t commit the Genocide Order considering you’re on neutral ground.”

Isaac raised his head to look the Human Judge in his eyes, and the judges deep blue looked into the nova of rage in Isaac’s purple eyes.

“So, you really are a Cetran, both of you. Oh, I see you’re reaching for your blade, trust me, as I have said this place is neutral ground, so I cannot enact the Genocide Order. Now, are you really stowaways?”

Isaac finally spoke in that same voice that hid a frenzy beneath it and said,

“Yes, your Honor. We are stowaways.”

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