
It's Time For Something New

It is time to make a stand,
Time to defend myself, for me.
Time for a change,
And time for a death.
I stare at him with hurt eyes,
He stares back coldly, sword in hand.
And me with a fist.

I have always been weaker,
Always been the one to lose.
And maybe thats why your gone.
“You took her away from me!” I proclaim,
“You took my soul for your pleasure!”
I breath haphazardly, frustration taking me over.
“This is what you do to me!”

I lunge forward to be parried,
The dark, towering figure avoiding my every blow.
“Why! Why did you have to take her away!”
I shout as I fall to the ground.
Now he saunters towards me,
Finally ready to strike in my moment of weakness.
His hand raises itself, preparing for the worst.
It is time for the death of me.

I pull a knife from my pocket,
Stabbing it into his chest.
An unexpected look is casted upon me,
And he falls.
I stand, looking down at him,
An image of my former self.
“Finally you have fallen… now it is time for me to rise.
It’s time for something new.”

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