
Alex in Wonderland- Part 18

The flow of foot traffic heading the opposite direction of the jogging quad was beginning to draw suspicious, brow raising glares. Alex held out an arm, “I think maybe.. walk,” he suggested. There were still enough people wandering away from the fray to mingle, hopefully, unnoticed.

They all slowed in silent agreement. Amanda prodded, “Now where to?”

Becky, of all people, piped up, “The Arcade?” They looked at her disbelievingly. Alex shrugged, “Sounds good to me.” Afterall, he still had his three unused quarters.

Crap,” Jessica turned into an open doorway without warning. Bewildered, the others backstepped and followed.

“What the hell was that?” Alex asked angrilly.

Jessica pointed. Officer Hampton waddled hastilly by, already red- faced and breathing hard.

The four seemed to deflate collectively, heads and shoulders dropping. Alex seeming most disappointed.

“Hello,” a Tommy Chong look alike popped up from behind the counter, “Welcome to The Looking Glass. How may I help you?”

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