
Dying to Live 4

The strobes slipped through the broken tooth of plywood covering the open space where a window once was. Colors flashed on the grim faces of the men trying desperately to restart the once beating heart belonging to the nameless man lying prone on the floor. Red. Blue. Red. Blue.
Uniformed policemen, feebly attempting to be hardened to these common sights, milled about trying to look needed. “Looks like a DRT to me,” whispered one to another.
“Yeah, Dead Right There,” responded his partner. “Least this one don’t stink, yet.” They tapped their Styrofoam coffee cups together in a toast.
The EMT kneeling beside his patient glared at the officers and placed the paddles atop a sunken chest.
The older officer simply shrugged then looked to his partner. “Hey, did you catch that game last night?”
“Clear!” yelled the young paramedic. The dead mans chest bucked once, then twice, as he hit the juice again. “We got a pulse.”
Jaspers first thought as he returned to his world was one of hope Damn. I need some dope

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