They all stared at him, horrified. He quickly realized what he had just said, and blushed bright red as he explained,”No, I mean-I meant-I could sleep on the floor, and you could have the bed.”
“Oh…no, that’s fine. Beggars can’t be choosers right?” she said, as everyone’s horrified looks turned into embarassed comprehension.
“But I’m letting you be a chooser this time. You get to decide. I don’t mind sleeping on the floor, of course. That’s no problem. “
“Nah, that’s fine. I can’t put you out. I have no right,” she said,hoping he wouldn’t push it anymore.
“Ok,” Ty said, taking charge.”Then we have a little blow up mattress type thing in the closet, so you can use that. But during the day we’ll deflate it and put it under the bed or in the closet…cuz we don’t exactly have a ton of floor space here.”
“Yeah, that’s fine. No problem,”she said.
“Ok, well now that that’s all settled, Chris, why don’t you give Rachel a little tour of everything around here? Ty and I have to go,”Izzy suggested.