Beautiful Chaos
“Yeah, sure. Good idea, actually,” he said as Izzy and Ty left.
“I mean, you’ll need to know your way around since we’ll all be in class a lot of the time. This way you can go find food or books or movies or whatever you want.”
They walked down all the flights of stairs, Chris chattering away the entire time about this coffeeshop, that book store, etc. But once they got out on the street, Rachel found herself swept up in the beautiful chaos that was New York City.
They walked down the sidewalk, looking in through the window of each store they passed. “That’s my favorite cafe around here. Seriously, whenever you have time, go in there and order one of their sandwiches. I swear, they make the best food I’ve ever eaten. And they have amazing bands basically every night,” Chris said, pointing out a little tiny cafe tucked in between a big record store and a restaurant.
“But this…this is my favorite place in New York,” he said, stopping in front of a little store that Rachel never would have noticed.