

With a calmer more relaxed Sassy following her like a love-struck puppy, Old Bess walked slowly to the bar. “I reckon a round of Irish Car Bombs would be out of the question,” Old Bess said with a knowing chuckle. “But we’ve got reason to celebrate! Free drinks for the entire bar!”

The only other customer, a sketchy looking old man, buried, either dead or alive, in his newspaper stirred. “Did you say free drinks?”

“Yes, Karl,” Old Bess said, tenderly. “Because this old mama has finally found love.”

Jameson threw up a little bit in his mouth. “Wait! You two are… I mean… I figured she was… But you’re old… Not to say… And she’s evil… “

Prandi elbowed Jameson, signaling him to close his stuttering mouth.

Prandi was a bit more diplomatic. “Jameson has told me so much about you on the way here, Old Bess. It’s an honor to meet someone who has helped my man find his way. We’re happy for you and your, um, mercurial lover.”

Jameson felt his heartstrings play a beautiful melody. She loved him too.

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