
The Way I wanted things to be: Part 8

Why couldn’t parents just get along? I was sick of all the screaming and banging and throwing of things. Talk about anger management. My mom thought I needed it! Who knew? I always hated when one of those shows came on. One of those shows like the Braidy Bunch. How come the parents always got along? That would be my fairytale. That’s when I remembered I had an English test the next day. Oh no. I forgot to study! I was failing English. I could never write. I could never read. I could never comprehend. I just could never do English in general.
I heard another bang from downstairs and decided to put on the television. Maybe that would clear mind. I pressed the power button and started to channel surf. I’d stop a few seconds every time I reached a new channel. I stopped at one to a couple kissing. It reminded me about…....Ryan.

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