
On Scene (Out-of-Order Challenge)

“Finished. You owe me twenty bucks.â€? Jose smiles, face drenched in Whopper.

“Yeah. Now clean up you idiot.â€?

We arrive on scene to a huge mess. Cars piled every which way. Glass and bodies flung randomly about the highway. A black and white is parked in front of the pile of devastation. I hear sirens coming, but for now it’s just us and the two cops.

“Hey!â€? I yell to one of the cops who looks confused. Must be a rookie, I think to myself. “Did you guys take status on any of the victims yet?â€?

Blank stare.

“Ok he,â€? pointing back at Jose, “and I are going to assess the injuries. When fire gets here, direct them to us.â€? I snap my fingers. “Got it?â€?

A scream penetrates the air. I turn to see a woman, covered in blood is screaming and reaching out her car door at something off to the side of the wreckage. It’s a small girl standing in the safety lane. A fire truck is bearing down on her. Fast.

My legs pumping as hard as they can, I dive to push the little girl out of the way before I’m engulfed in darkness.

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