
Incapable of Blinking

His words blended into the racket going on around her. Everywhere she looked there was another bright billboard, one flashing an advertisement for Coca-Cola as a giant Coke bottle spun on its axis above it. Turning, she saw different billboards, one advertising Wicked, another Legally Blonde, another Spring Awakening, and all manner of musicals produced on and off-Broadway. The flashing lights and neon signs seemed to surround her, her eyes incapable of blinking as she tried to take it all in at once.

“Yeah. I was definitely right,” Chris said, laughing to himself.
“But wait a few months, and you’ll see. All of this is nothing compared to The Bitter End, Cafe Wha?, The Boston,Arlene’s Grocery…a ton of other awesome clubs here. They all play the best music, and we definitely have to go sometime. But for now, we can walk around here if you want.”

“Yeah, definitely,” she said, already walking down the street to the gigantic record store she saw.

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