
Dying boy...

He starts to laugh as he laid there in bed in the hospital. He heard news that he is going to die soon. The boy seems as if he didn’t care.

As the doctor left, the boy settled down and looked up out the window. He watches the clouds go by and starts to remember everyone: his friends, his family, and his girlfriend. All he could do now, is think about the good times he had with everyone. He smiles as he remembers everything and has tears rolling down from his face.

I guess this is the end..., he thought to himself. I hope you guys don’t forget me.

He heard the door open and saw his friends and family there. All he could do was smile as he started to feel numb. He couldn’t even move a finger as they all smiled back and walked toward him. Everyone starts to talk to him as if they didn’t know, but the boy couldn’t hear anything. His eyes slowly starts closing as everyone starts to quiet down. The boy smiles before closing his eyes and everyone started to cry as he died in front of them.

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