Knee-Jerk Reaction
The ferris wheel slowly descended as Rachel stared down at the ground, unsure of how to react to her feelings. She hadn’t ever been in love before, but she thought that how she felt was as close to love as she’d ever been.It’s only been a day!_one part of her said, scolding herself for even thinking it._That’s crazy!You can’t fall in love in a day!
But then she thought about Romeo and Juliet. They’d known in the first glance.Why couldn’t that happen now too?Did I just compare myself to Juliet? the little voice in her head said.Well, this is the real world, not a play.People don’t fall in love with people they barely know. But then,why not? said the other voice. Suddenly, she wasn’t sure what she thought.
“Hey, Rach, you ok?” Chris asked, leaning over the bar to try and see her face. Then their car started to swing, and he leaned back quickly, a knee-jerk reaction, making it swing faster.
“Are you ok?” she asked, forgetting her own thoughts as she watched his face turn white.