
As the Sun Falls

The next day Mina returned, lying under the tree again and watching as the sky slowly faded, the sun falling down again.
She waited patiently, afraid but excited all at once, hoping to hear the music again.

The grass whispered a warning in her ear. Shh.She rolled over onto her stomach, listening to the sounds of nature moving around her. Cha Cha the leaves above her said, rapping out a drum beat above her head.
The grasses danced in the breeze, squeeking out a rippling wave of music. And then, from far away, she heard it. The wood pipe. It whistled out a haunting tune, telling her of the woods, of the streams, of the lakes, of the air that flowed around her.

She slowly sat up, looking around. Unable to see the source, she stood and danced across the meadow, moving in rhythm with the song that it was playing for her, following the music. She had to find it.

And then, as she whirled in a slow circle, her legs growing tired, she saw him.

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