

Mina knew she should be afraid, but she couldn’t help but be mesmerized by the beautiful tune he played. She walked slowly towards him, the grass rustling gently around her feet as the breeze seemed to push her closer to him, urging her to walk faster. She knew he saw her, she could feel his golden eyes on her, but she couldn’t look away. She couldn’t turn back. And the odd thing was, she didn’t want to.

When she was only a few feet away, he broke the spell, pullling the wood pipe, which she recognized as a syrinx, away from his lips.She stopped, startled by the loss of so much beauty. He turned, and, beckoning her with a finger, began to walk away gracefully, seeming to dance with the winds that suddenly begin to sweep the grass into a frenzy.

She ran after him as fast as she could, wanting to be where the music was, but found that she was nowhere near as fast, nor as graceful as he.When she finally gave up on following him, she found she was buried deep into a forest as the evening light began to die.

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