
Of silly love songs and pie-racks

Lionel stared deep into Sir Ronald’s eyes. Then, in the calm, composed voice one uses when speaking to the very young or the very disturbed, he said, “There was only one cheesy song reference in this whole thread, Sir Ronald. I spoke of Sir Paul’s career, bless his heart, but I did not refer to any of his songs in particular. But why must we ban cheesiness from ficlets, anyway? See, some people want to fill the world with silly love songs. What’s wrong with that? I’d like to know, cause…”
“That’s TWO !” shrieked Ronald, and he raised his sword again to strike.
Cindy clapped her hands together. “Boys, stop this. You know, when you use violence or bad music against an enemy, you lose more than you win. It’s a, wossname, Pie-rack victory.”
Ronald and Lionel stared at her. “What?”
“That’s right. Read about it in this book. There was this general named Pie-rack, right, and he won a battle but lost loads of men.”
“Aargh,” said Sir Ronald, because he had just been shot in the shoulder.

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