
Mistakes I Made in an Alley in London

“That’s £70 for the lot.”

“And the reason for it costing twenty quid more is?”

“This is ‘Grade A’ stuff man, this is urban myth quality.”

“There’s no such thing as urban myth quality, that’s why it’s called urban myth quality.”

“Well, I do have some weaker stuff that I’ll give you for £40, that’s a tenner off.” I hesitated, he was probably bluffing, knowing that I’d buy the stronger, more expensive bag.

“Ok, fine, £70, but this better do the job.”

“It will man, just, be careful, some people say the strong stuff makes you see the future, and not the bits you want to see either.”

“Look, I read about it on snopes, it’s an urban legend, nothing’s been proven.” He was really committed to this sales pitch.

“Well, just call me when it’s over, and don’t give it to anyone who hasn’t done it before.”

“Don’t worry, me and Dave are gonna do it before we go out tonight, we know what we’re doing.”

It’s not often you get advice you should listen to from your dealer, and I guess that’s why I didn’t listen.

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