
Having a Good Time in a Bad Way

“Scuse me lads, can I see your I.D. please.” I fumbled at my wallet, eventually getting the licence out, I handed it to the bouncer and concentrated on standing upright; which was a skill that seemed to have deserted me of late.

“Ok, have a good night.” He waved us in, I turned to Dave as we meandered through the entrance of the club.

“I’m not sure we should have taken the whole lot in one hit man, I’m feeling a bit…unusual.”

“Ok, here’s the plan.” Dave said to me, his arms flailing wildly as he made his point. “We go get some black sambuca to warm us up and then go to the toilet and do those lines we’ve got left over from last night to get our hearts back in gear.”

At the bar the aniseed flames of the sambuca cascaded into my stomach, and almost cascaded out again. We stumbled into the toilets and then into separate cubicles. I pulled out a small mirror and put it on the cistern, movement caught my eye.

I looked at the mirror, I saw a hospital room, and heard a woman screaming.

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