
Hey Me, It's You: Part 13

“Aunt Paula?” I said. Now, this was a surprise. What was she doing here?
“Honey, can we talk?” asked mom as she got up and took me into the kitchen.
“Why is she here mom? You know I don’t like her!” I know this sounded quite harsh but my aunt was weird and very, very….fluffy? Okay, overweight. And she just treated me like a five year old.
“Well, honey, I know. But, a lot of our money got stolen and we’re having a very hard time. We’re on a very tight budget. Your Aunt Paula offered to take you and your brother until we can afford everything,”. My heart seemed to stop. Live with Aunt Paula? What about my friends? My mom? My dad? What about school? I could care less about school, but, my life would be ruined!
“Mom! Can’t afford what?”
“Honey, we can barely afford to put food on the table!” This could not be happening.
“Mom! No! I’m not going! I’ll go live in one of those poor shelters or something! Anything but living with Aunt Paula! Please!”
“Honey, I’m sorry but your going with your Aunt!”

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