

The wind whipped at my face. We’d left early this morning, and despite my assistance in controlling the weather it was still tough going. In the night, It was more difficult. Phoenix flew farther away from me so as not to be buffeted by my powerful wings. Ranulf kept a steady stream of one-sided conversation with me through his mind.
Hm, I though I just saw a dolphin there… nope. Must have imagined it. You know, my shoulders really hurt, it sucks to be hanging like this. It’s a good thing the moon is strong, I don’t know if I could take this. How are you holding up? ... I’ll take that annoyed flick of your head as a ‘fine.’ Is Phoenix doing ok? If I get to much tell him to drop me, I can swim part of the way. I can swim fast, you know… and the moon is strong… look why doesn’t Phoenix take a bit of a baggage break and I swim for an hour.
“It’s freezing!” I yelled over my shoulder at him.
I’ll phase, he returned simply, I’ll be warm enough. Please Fae, I feel bad for Phoenix.
I sighed, “1 hour.”

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