
Abby In Nowhereland

Twisting a lock her thick brunette hair around her pointer finger, Abby felt her eyes start wander from the book she was supposed to be reading. Gazing at her little dog, Hayd, as he ran in circles, trying to catch a butterfly, Abby was startled to hear her mother scold her.
“Abigail! Pay attention! It may be nice weather, but you need to concentrate on your studies.”
Abby rolled her eyes, and leaned back against the the bush behind her. Suddenly she noticed that the bush’s twigs weren’t supporting her, and before shecould exclaim, she tipped backward. Bracing herself to hit the hard dirt ground, she was suprised when she didn’t immediately impact the Earth. Reluctantly opening her eyes, Abby sucked in her breath when she realized there was no dirt floor. In fact, there was nothing at all. She was falling throught the air, blackness enveloping her. Twisting her body to face upward, the last light shesaw was from the opening she had fallen through, where Hayd was yipping at her from between twigs and leaves.

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