
Abby at the Bottom

Abby fell and fell for what seemed like ages, twisting this way and that and snatching at the air to find something, anything to grab hold of. But there was nothing. Only the swift blackness and silence of the hole. She had even lost track of which way could possibly up. The wind seemed to rush at her from all sides.
Gradually Abby became aware that the air was getting cooler the farther she fell. Goose pimples made her hair stand on end.
I must be a very long way down. I wonder when I shall ever stop?
Presently she did stop. She landed quite hard on what was plainly the bottom of the hole, and which also appeared to be solid stone. She rose up, amazingly unharmed aside from a few bruises, and dusted the dirt and grass from her clothes.
“Where on earth have I gotten myself too?” she wondered aloud. Abby realized as she spoke that she must be in a very large and cavernous place, because her voice seemed to echo all around her.

“Most people’d call this a cave.”

Abby started and spun to locate the new voice.

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