
REACTr: Put'n the "Dick" in "Detective"

Nick never really knew what it was that Detective Stahl had done to the car, aside from being his normal dick self, but it truly hated him. Actually, the feeling was mutual.

Stahl was standing at the back of his Interceptor taking something out the trunk when the car spotted him. Instantly, his image appeared on the main screen outlined in red, a reticle centered on his body as the word STAHL floated above it.

“Got him,” it said as it accelerated. The car made a hard left, throwing itself into a spin, pulled a 360 and came to a screeching halt just inches from Stahl.

He jumped back, made a one finger salute, and screamed, “Marshall you asshole!”

“What’s a matter Stahl, you need some clean panties?” Nick replied as he got out of the car.

“This goddamn, piece of shit car’s been hanging with you too long… it needs to be put down like a rabid dog.”

“Whatever,” Nick said walking away.

He could still hear Stahl and the car trading insults that would make a sailor cry as he turned the corner.

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