@Ana, Thanks I really had to work to get that title. :) Also it is possible that I’ve not done a very good job of carrying the story forward, esp. if you’re getting lost. I need to reread them myself and make sure everything flows correctly.
Ha, there’s something in the word-style of this ficlet that just screams “awesome” to me. Love the car’s attitude, and this really clears of my “they” beef with the last one. Few edits… ”…car made a hard left, throwing itself into a spin…” Not sure if “goddamn, piece of shit” requires a comma, check with John on that one.
Love “one finger salute” and the car and Stahl trading insults. Awesome piece. You get five stars, sir.
@JLaughter – Great edits as usual. I threw the comma after the goddamn for cadence. Imagine someone pissed off saying that phrase in a rhythm. Glad you enjoyed this one, it was fun to write. Actually the last piece was nothing but “filler” to set up for this one.
I’m trying to re-read it to find out exactly where I felt the pacing was off, and I think it’s the third paragraph. I understand what you’re shooting for here, but I don’t think it came off exactly as you intended, but I’m not sure why. Could just be me. It is really close to quittin’ time and the brain starts to shut off around now. =P The rest of it is great though. Really good bits of humor, with some fantastic dialog.
I kinda see what John’s going at, there. The rest of this reads real smooth, but in the third paragraph, the comma in ”…his body, the word…” is kind of like a hiccup in the story. Maybe it would read better as “his body and the…” or maybe even a bit of a tense-change, ”…body, the word STAHLfloating…”
Though the latter might be bending some grammatical rules, I use that to keep a segment running smoothly.
@John + Joh – I reconstructed the 2nd and 3rd paragraph to more match what I had originally written… I think it flows much better now. I too was tired when I wrote this last night. As always, thanks guys! You’re forcing me to become a better writer.
♠Ana Cristina♥
John Perkins
John Perkins
PyroPunk 51 (PPP LoA)
John Perkins