Make The Devil Cry (Fine Day In Hell 16)
“I’ve not wept in millenia, my legion! But this one soul has come believing that I will shed a tear for him. It is The Right of Passage. Should I cry, he will once again, have a chance at glory! If he fails. He will burn forever!”
A cheer filled the hall.
“What say you, Hunted!” bade the Devil.
I told Him of my life in the Over-World. I told Him of my pains. I told Him of the suffering He’d put me through. I showed Him the scars He’d left upon my fallen soul and showed Him the black stain He put within my heart.
And, then, I waited.
Only His laughter split the air, “You pethetic soul,” He said to me.
And I waited.
“Your suffering entertains me, Fool!” he said, “Your pain is my joy! Your scars are my mark upon you to show you that you are mine. I rule over you, Hunted, because it pleases me to impose my will upon you,”
He stood over me. And I felt triumphant. I wept as I saw my victory.
“And for all of my pain and suffering I realize that .. I love you, My Lord”
And the Devil Cried.