
Who knew?

Who knew that life would be so short?
Who knew it could be stressful to take care of it every day?
Who knew it could be annoying and fun yet boring?
Who knew we would end up this way?
Who knew we’d end up together?
Who knew this is the way it would end?
Who knew we’d end up kissing after seeing you at school?
Who knew we would regret from scribbling eachothers faces in our yearbooks? (back then we thought it was cool)
Who knew we would call eachother names and now we’re walking down the aisle?
Who knew we would end up here? Just you and me for a while?
Who knew after those days of school were don for the year?
Who knew we would be in the same class from time and time to come?
Who knew we would share a house and have children of our own?
Who knew we would end up in heaven with eachother?
And our children with their kids sat around and prayed for happiness in their lives and to us up there?

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