

My name is T.R. I have a younger brother, a mom and dad and a cat named Midnight. We all live together. I love to draw, act, sing, dance, make crafts, read, play, and make money. I have been in plays before. I play the viloin.I love writing stories and hope to be an interior designer when I grow up. If you are an agent looking for someone to star in a new play, movie, or show I am definitely your girl. Please don’t sequel my stories without asking! The reson my name is Pantherstar10 is because my softball team is named The Panthers and we came in first place for the WHOLE season and the play offs. I am also a shining star!! jk! My favorite number is 10 anyway!Can’t wait to start Writing BYE!!!-T.C.C.R I luv the Jonas brothers!!
Nick Jonas I love you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Stories (21)