Road to Nowhere
I press the pedal down as far as it’ll go and my car speeds down the tarmac. The speedometer doesn’t work but that doesn’t matter, there’s no speed limits any more.
Every now and then I see a hovercar overhead, I wonder if the drivers notice me. They might even take the time out their day to ridicule me. They’ve probably only ever breathed recycled air, traveling from one city’s protective bubble to another in their sealed cars. They never put the top down and feel the wind in their hair, as I do now.
I hear the roar of the engine and see the smoke from the exhaust in my rear-view, I know it’s all fake. I could turn off the noise and smoke, but what’s the point of modifying a classic car to run off energy cells if you’re not going to add the smoke and the noise?
I notice something glinting far behind me, another car? Security Robots? I can’t tell, whatever it is it’s gaining on me, which shouldn’t be possible.
An unusual unease sets in as I press the pedal down further my eyes staying on the mirror.