The Dark Prophet's Scroll [An Epic Challenge]
It is, here, then, that when the heavens errupt in war.
There comes the splitting of the sky and the gods
forsake man, orc, dwarf-kind and elf.
(in elvish)
The doomsayers by enchantment’s casted,
Speak of the hordes of humanity, orcish and dwarf-kind
walking upon the lands of elves and dragon.
Dragon and elves tumble into war.
the drow betray the dragon.
Dragon forsake dragon
the drow forsake the elf.
they shake the foundation of that which we hold dear.
The world set afire.
(scripted in common-tongue)
What comes is what is.
What is, is what has been..
and what shall be; is lost in the sands of time
a circle, broken.
There will be a breaking of the world.
A shattering of what was..
A new beginning..
Elves .. once worshiped; exiled.
Dragons once revered, disgraced.
Dwarf-kind, once the keepers of their dragon pets;
hidden to our eyes in their great mountain.
Humanity, corrupted and bent on greed, lust, foreign lands.
Another millenia, a new world,
And I will rule them all!!