
The Not So Secret, Everlasting Crushing: Part 4

“Massey, just admit it! You like him!” I said.
“Watch out!” she yelped. Great. It was snack time for the boy scouts. They almost trampled us on the way to the snack table.
“Okay! Fine! Yeah, I like him. But not that much, he’s just insanely adorable!” I nodded. Yeah, she was right. He was more than insanely adorable. But, was I really crushing? Nope. Not this fast. And defiantly not here. And totally not tonight. But, couldn’t you fall in love anywhere?
“Do you want to get something to eat?” asked Massey. I nodded. What else was there to do?
We stood in line, bored to death. Massey was occupying herself by starring at Jason. Yeah, what else to do? So, I joined in.
“Oh dear god!” Massey said.
“What now?”
“He’s coming over here!” For no reason at all I started to panic. Why? I had no clue. I didn’t really like Jason, but, I felt as if I were going to pass out. I turned around and acted as if nothing was wrong. Then, someone bumped into me.
“Sorry, didn’t see you there,” someone jokingly said.

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