Wow! that ending really was a buzz kill. I love the Flatulent Fricative .. very funny bit there.. You had us enchanted by a west coast sunset.. and then poor Jason has that lovely lil moment.. Good job! Funny ending! Fits the challenge perfectly!
She should have expected it after he ordered the chili-cheese and broccoli omelette for dinner, and washed that down with a couple pints of Guiness. Good times.
“Giddy to giggles”, “Flatulent Fricative” were just two of the descriptions I loved in this one. Great entry. That would certainly ruin the moment, or so I’ve heard.
PyroPunk 51 (PPP LoA)
♠Ana Cristina♥
Mistress Elsha Hawk
.:band baby:.
John Perkins
ALRO613 ♪ LoA ♫