
F*** the wall

The dent on the wall only frustrates me further as the my knuckles begin to turn red. Screaming was all I could hear. Bloody, dark, hateful screaming... Whether it was from inside of me or from my ipod i couldn’t tell, but it was everywhere…

I kneeled on the bed and hit my arm as hard as I could.
Damnit you know this will only make things worse… I think as I punch the same dent in the wall as before, this time making a small hole.
It’s ok… my parents won’t look in the closet…

I can’t think, and the one hope I did have was smashed to a thousand pieces.
You heard what she said… don’t fool yourself…
Suddenly I am overcome by a blinding wave of absolute hatred and malice. I began pounding the wall over and over again until I couldn’t feel my knuckles. I yelled out into the stillness of my room, with no answer. Just an annoying air of silence that seemed to laugh at me.
As I regained my senses, music found my ears: and still you want to end your life…

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