The Adventures of P.T. Agonist and...Enemies?
“What is it, Special Ed?” asked Hera, slightly concerned about her good friend’s angry tone.
“Don’t call me that, ANY MORE !” yelled Special Ed as he stomped the floor.
“Why not? I thought you liked being special? Ed is so boring!” remarked P.T., calmly.
“Dr. Llyu’s antidote was not just a slow-working antidote, it was also a slow antidote. So, I will no longer be the cute, stupid sidekick. No, I am now Dr. Edward V. Illen! Your new arch-nemesis!”
“Oh no! What ever will we—Wait, how’d you get your doctorate so fast?” asked Hera
“Oh, yeah. Online classes at—That’s beside the point!”
“Quick, while he’s distracted!” yelled P.T. as he ran toward the clearly marked exits to Dr. Ki Llyu’s nefarious lair.
And so, our heroes narrowly escape the evil plots of Dr. Ki Llyu. But, how will they take the loss of their most special friend, Ed? And will they survive confrontation with the new nemesis Dr. V. Illen? Tune in next time for answers to these questions and many others!