The Gun Counter
slowly, still staring at me with those doe eyes.
I released my hand slowly, not really trusting her to keep her promise, but she was actually silent.
“That’s better. I won’t do it agian, ok?”
“Now, come with me to ask that guy at the counter if I can have a Band-Aid. I’m bleeding like hell-.”
Chloe gave me a crippling look.
“-I mean like heck, and if I don’t get something to cover this soon, I might need a blood transfusion.”
“Uh-huh, it does look pretty deep,” she announced, peering at it as if she was a MD.
I rolled my eyes.
“That’s what I just said. Now come on.”
I grabbed her hand and we walked over to the gun counter where several very scary-looking contraption were lying. There was also an elk’s head mounted to the back wall, which, when someone was standing on the other side of the counter and was talking to you about Band-Aids, gave the impression that that person had horns.
The man looked