This is wickedly insane. I am in absolute awe at how incredibly twisted your mind is. Great stuff here. Though, if THX left anyone in charge I’m pretty sure it would be Kermitgorf. Oh, and it’s Cristina. When she becomes president, she may remember that you misspelled her name and throw you in Guantanamo.
Your mind is definitely a trip. This is hilarious and much easier to follow than the original. I love the idea of pitting ficleteers against one another. The part about Dr. Tim living like a rock star was quite hilarious to picture.
Has Elsha seen this yet? She needs to! The insanity continues, Mr. T. And yeah, buddy, get my name right: it’s ANACRISTINA . You don’t want the president throwing you in Guantanamo now, do you?
Yeah I had to read it through like three times to really let it sink in! Poor Sarah. She doesn’t know what’s coming. (especially since she changed her name again)
John Perkins
Miss Cookie
♠Ana Cristina♥
Mistress Elsha Hawk
ALRO613 ♪ LoA ♫
PyroPunk 51 (PPP LoA)
Lone Writer