Friends Kept me Going (The Wonderful World of Ficlets Challenge): Part One
When I first saw Ficlets (7 months ago), I had no idea what to expect. I saw it from this clip on AOL read the ficlet. I got pretty interested. So I started up.
When I did my first Ficlet. I just wanted to know if people would read it. Then if people commented on it the would be even better. Then none other than Someday_93 commented. So did emma jo_234 and .:Band Baby:.! I was so happy that someone actually read what I wrote and liked it! I decided to stay. I am so glad I did!
My frist contact was Howhardlifeis! =D She started about the same time as me and we welcomed each other. Then I met Someday! For you new people you don’t really know who she is, but for the older ones wasn’t she the greatest? I would read her stories and feel the pain and see the story going on. Both Howhardlifeis and Someday kept me inspired and there comments encouraged me to keep writing. I met more friends for sure and you guys have been great! Without everyone I probably would of stopped coming on here long ago.