
A Daydream Unrealized

It comes to me gradually, I think. Completely engrossed in the task at hand, my fingers continue to peck at the keyboard like a clutch of baby chicks but my mind begins to wander. 10 minutes die before I come to the realization that I am no longer thinking about what I am supposed to be doing, but something very different. My heart pounds against my chest like a nervous late-night visitor; softly at first, then, with urgency. Numbers, formulas, incomprehensible symbols flow across the back of my eyeballs (front of my brain?). I lean back in my chair slowly and close my eyes. I have it! Will anyone believe it?! I just need to write it down! The secret to unaided human fli . . .

What? I’m sorry. What are you looking for? Tape? Sure you can borrow my tape dispenser. No. It’s not a problem at all . . . Now. What was it I was thinking about?

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