This series is guilty pleasure to read. Another two bite the dust!
Isn’t it Krulltar, with two “l’s?” This really is a fun series. Although, I’m now starting to wish I didn’t die in the first one. I don’t mind being killed off, but I didn’t even put up a fight.
John, maybe in this alternate universe I got in a bar fight and got an “L” knocked out of me. :P
poor Sarah, alas I knew her well..
yes, kermit, but apparently, you two were on the wrong side. :) hmm, a big guy, huh? what ever will I do?
When is the movie coming out?!?!?
LOL Once again that’s ridiculous.LoA
Ach! The humanity.
Wow. I find myself shuddering with laughter at each one of these. I should probably just stop talking about it and read.
John Perkins
Mistress Elsha Hawk
ALRO613 ♪ LoA ♫
Lone Writer
Lone Writer