
Mommy and Abuse

I stood there not knowing which way was home, infact, i didn’t know home. I didn’t know parents, shelter, or love. Everything nessecary in my life, i didn’t know of. I ran away from home at age 10, my mother knowing me leaving. See, there was abuse in my household, and no one could get out. Until the morning i was awoke from my slumber. I get ready for school, ditching and weaving, to get away from my Step-Father, so he couldn’t get a whipping in before i left. When i was at school i opened my knapsack and realized all of my books were gone. instead were about 20 pair of undergarments, 50 dollars, and a note from my mother.
It read:

My dearest son, please forgive me, but do not come
home tonight. Go to one of the homeless shelters and eat._ Use your money that i have saved for you wisely.
And above all remember that your not coming back becuase you love me, and I love you.

My deepest sorrows,

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