
Julian Plays It Safe

Julian met with his lawyer inside the green concrete walls of the jail’s questioning room. It was just like TV. Det. Walsh’s assistant played good cop only, in front of the lawyer.

“What was your relationship to this woman?” The cop pointed at the smiling face of Melanie Light. The real mother of Devon. He had to stay in control. If he said too much, Trazelli would have him killed! Julian glanced at his lawyer, who nodded.

“I was dating her best friend long ago. I haven’t seen her in years.”

“She dead. Do you know how she died?”

Julian wanted to squirm, but held himself steady, “No.”

“Well the autopsy says drug over dose. Do you know where she got the drugs?”

“I told you, she was my girls’ best friend, not mine! She didn’t talk to me!” Julian was losing his composure. His lawyer noticed and interjected. “He’s told you all he knows. We’ll be going now.”

The good cop let them out. Once in the lawyer’s Mercedes, he phoned Trazelli on a secure line.

“I was questioned about the girl’s mother.”

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