Me and JB 160
An idea hit me at that moment. An idea that only someone evil would come up with. It was totally not like me to think of something like this.
“Jess, you there?” asked Joe. Wow. I had totally forgot I was on the phone with him.
“Ummm…yeah…but about prom,”.
“I understand… miss Nick, don’t you?” Would my totally evil idea work? Would it help if I told you what my totally evil idea was? I would not go with an idea like this but, would it work? Would it make Nick jealous if he saw that I went to prom with Joe? Joe’s feelings would get hurt if I went with this, but, was it worth a shot?
“Well, I don’t know. Why are you asking me though?”
“Well, your like one of my best friends and I thought that if Nick wasn’t going to be there for you, I would,”. Joe was so sweet. I would never want to hurt him.
“And….,” he trailed off.
“I kind of wanted to make Katie jealous…”. Maybe I would go with my plan.
“But I bet Nick would die to see you with me and Katie would die to me with you.”