
The Primal Beyond. Pt3

Everything went black.
IT was what happens when helplessness and fear became the spectres which hung over me. I cowered away into the shadows of my mind.
Here, the voices calmed me.
“He’s up to no good,” said a paranoid shrill that i named, Patty. She was suspicious of everybody.
“I know,” I said, “Where’s James.”
“Hiding. Like always.”
“I don’t hide,” James’ voice was calmer, masculine, gentle.
“Of course you don’t, Jimmy, you’re just never in the light!”
My calm alter-ego ignored Paranoid Patty,
“What happened out there, Lewis?”
“My brother again!”
“Going on about Molly?”
“Bastard,” Patty let out, “he’s doing it on purpose,”
She was right. I admitted it. I was here because of him. I’ve lived here in darkness, in fear, for 6 years because of a mistake.
Not a mistake i reminded myself.
“He pushed ya, right as day!” Patty nodded, “Best just stay here where it’s safe!”
James disagreed. “It’s time. Time to let go. Time to see the truth.”
I can’t! Not yet!
I’m safe here.

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