Memories of Love
Dear Wiley,
My brother, Caleb, he spoke of you just the other day. Oh, you must remember him, he was so much younger than us.
He reminded me of the beautiful times we spent together during that splendid summer.
Do you remember that time at the lake house? Oh, you must. That wonderful night we spent together, doing things I shan’t mention in writing. Do you remember what you asked me that night? Of how you wished to marry me. It is too bad I refused to move to China with you for I hear it is much safer there than America.
I can tell that somethig in America is not right. The war has taken its toll on America, yes, but there is something else that doesn’t seem right. Whatever it may be I am just grateful that you are in China and not suffering like the rest of us.
Once I can write more I shall, but for now this is goodbye
That letter,perhaps, made me cry the most. For, I do wish she would have accepted my proposal, but even more so I wish she was here with me now, in safety.