
DO NOT READ THIS!!!!! : Prologue

Faith turned the page.



The words were written boldly across the cover of an ancient and dust covered book. Faith had discovered it hidden among some old library books buried in the back of a storage closet. The title was barely visible, but it’s message was clear.

Tempting but clear.

Gasping, Faith closed The Book with a loud thud. The story she was reading appeared to be hers. She opened the book and continued to read.

In the dark, musty room in the recesses of the ancient library, it almost seemed as if the world outside had ceased to exist, as if she was the only person left. Her actions taken without consequence.

Suddenly, Faith was overcome, by an eerie feeling, eyes were watching her. She was not alone. Chills ran up and down her spine, as if some unknown presence was reading right along with her.

Panicked she threw the book away from her.

“Who are you ?!!!â€? she yelled, “What do you want?â€?

The only reply, silence.

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