
Amethyst Frontiers: The Grenna

Locke closed the blast-door, and turned towards the greyish creature before her. It looked neither male nor female. Its head was larger than the rest of its slender body. Its eyes were pure black, with dots of silver in their center. It had two holes for a nose, and pointed ears. It was something out of Project-Bluebook.
“What the hell are you?” she asked.
“I am of Grenna!”
“Grenna, what’s that?” Karapanov tried.
“My people are Grenna.” said the creature.
“Do you have a name?” this from Doc.
“Name?” said the thing.
“I am Captain Locke.” locke gestured towards the creature.
With its odd 4 digit hand, it touched its chest,
There came a flurry of footfalls from both directions with the sounds of glocks cocking ammunition.
“Who are you? What are you doing on my ship, and why the hell do you let that thing live?!”
Karapanov took a defensive position before his captain, the doc hovered over Tarn.
They were surrounded by 6 men, guns aloft.
“I’m Locke from the Ameythyst. What’s happened here?”

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