
Less than Thrilled

As Jameson followed Sassy and Paul out into the waning sunlight, he resisted the urge to run. Jameson couldn’t risk another psycho flare-up from Sassy. He knew she would have no problems throwing him back in jail. Jameson couldn’t blame Paul for this. God only knows what devil’s deal she cut with Paul for him to be walking on eggshells around her.

Plus, Jameson had a feeling that Sassy would catch him if he tried to escape.

Once Jameson was safely strapped in the back seat, he braved the question. “So, Prandi’s getting married, huh?” He made sure his voice didn’t quaver, though inside he was dying.

Sassy turned her head from the front seat, bringing unwanted memories of The Exorcist to Jameson’s mind. He shuddered. “Yep. She told her RA, who told Jennifer, who told me, that she’s moving back to India. You’re better off without that dork, if you ask me. Wait till Becca finds out, she’ll be thrilled!”

Needless to say, Jameson was less than thrilled. In fact, he was thinking furiously.

“Stop the car.”

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