

As I walked back to the hotel, I thought about our kiss. I remembered the warm, soft touch of her lips to mine, and I sighed in affection. It had seemed as though I were outside of my body, watching the two of us kiss for the first time from above…

While reminiscing about our kiss, I crossed the street, ensuring there was no oncoming traffic. Though, I hadn’t noticed the biker coming down the sidewalk on the other side. Just as I reached the sidewalk, I looked up to see the biker coming on full speed toward me. My eyes widened, and I jumped back in horror.

The biker only saw me after he’d passed, and I’d jumped into the street, where traffic was now flowing quite smoothly…
That is, until I heard screeching breaks.
The last thing I remember was seeing a large yellow mass speeding towards me, though it seemed to move in slow motion. My feet stuck to the ground like leaden bricks.

While all this happened, only one thought, no, one word passed through my mind…

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