Peripheral Evil: Part 37 The Soulless
Moshie’s ear was buzzing with manic cries. He first thought it was because the family was present and no signal had been called. While he had waited for Stratnicoff to die, he had been oblivious to the chaos unfolding around him.
He took a cleansing breath and lowered his weapon. He turned his back on Stratnicoff and when he lifted his head he froze. Not only in fear, but in wonderment.
Shadowy creatures flung themselves around and into the bodies of the soldiers of the agency. The circle of stones had become a cage. They tried to run and were stopped just short of the perimeter, their souls ripped from their bodies.
The “dogs” gnashed their teeth as they gave chase. It was a horrific game of fox and hound. The mini half- humans danced on their hooven feet in ultimate victory.
The two catlike demons stalked in the center of it all, watching. The family huddled in a borealic light that twisted and wound around them.
The silence was too much to bear, Moshie stepped from behind the stone.