
Mom and Good News

After talking a little longer with Rose and her mother, who was becoming very easy to get along with, my own mom entered the room, her eyes wide, followed by my dad.
I gave a crooked smile when I saw her, thinking about what her reaction must’ve been when dad told her about me. She rushed to me, leaning over to hug me.
“My goodness! Can’t you be alone for once without getting into trouble?”
My dad stood in the doorway, biting his lip. Apparently, he’d taken a verbal beating for letting me out alone.
My mom let out a relieved sigh, and turned to Rose and her mother.
“I suppose you’re Rose.” she said, “Yes, my husband was telling me about you on the way to the room.” her eyes darted towards my father, and for a moment I thought he was going to burst into flames from her death glare.

One of the doctors entered then, drawing everyone’s attention.
“Well, he’s gonna have to have a cast put on, then he’ll be free to go.”
“With Rose…” I added just above a whisper, and I saw her blush.

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