
good morning sunshine

i wont pretend to understand the emotional tilt a whirl that youve gone through
i wont judge you, or tell you what to do or when to do it
i wont blame you for things that were beyond your control, or things that are my fault
what i will do, is say just how ludicrously happy you make me by just being you
that, there isnt another person anywhere id rather spend time with
and that making you happy makes me feel so good, i cant describe it
when i see you, its all i can do to act as calm as i do
your beauty is not what captivates me however, yes, its amazing in its own right, but its knowing that inside, is that sweet, sad, hurt girl, whose stronger than she realizes
this funny, clearly intelligent and caring person hidden away from the rest of the world
your ability to care, at least about something, long after others would have given up
the fact that after all the pain youve gone through, your still standing, still have the ability to make others happy
those reasons, and many others are why i love you

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