Amethyst Frontiers: Amethyst Bridge.
Lucy switch from one frequency to the next with adept fingers, none fostering the results that she wanted. “They’re not responding. We’re just eating static.”
Frosbeld stared at the viewscreen as Runner1 flew out of control. “We’re powerless here!” he said slapping at the inter-comm, “Engineering, what’s our status,”
“IN 8 hours we will run out of power, completely. We’re practically running on batteries, down here!”
Frosbeld tapped at his chin, “Lucy, get Major Laura Brill up here. She’s a scientist, maybe she has some answers,”
“I hope so,” Lucy flicked a switch and made the call.
“Damien, we have Runner1 coming right at us. She looks out of control. Can you give me power for tractor beam?” Frosbeld tried.
“No way,” came the engineer, “I do that, we’re screwed, sir!”
“I need answers, Mister!”
“we’re doing all we can. We still don’t know what’s causing the drain. Perhaps Brill can shed some light on…”
The door swished open and a tall amazonian woman entered.
“Laura Brill reporting as requested!”